Drama department hosts annual musical: “Guys and Dolls”

The drama department performed on Nov.30-Dec. 2 in the auditorium.

Sophomore Paul Digiovanni leaning in curiously trying to convince other Crap Shooters to confess to their sins.

Junior Kaitlyn Neises singing while the Hot Box Girls surround her in admiration.
Seniors Trey Pando and Caitlyn Fox dancing together in “Havanna.”
Junior Kaitlyn Neises singing “Take Back Your Mink.”
Junior Rachel Gray singing “Follow the Fold” on the streets of New York.
The Crap Shooters march together during a song.
The Hot Box Girls pose after a song.
Senior Emerson Ross makes a deal with the Crap Shooters and prepares to roll the dice.
Cast members looking guilty because they don’t want to confess their sins.
Sophomore Paul DiGiovanni leans in curiously trying to convince other Crap Shooters to confess to their sins.
Sophomore Paul DiGiovanni, Junior Lucas Hofer-Holdeman, and Senior Trey Pando look over each others shoulders, trying to evade the cops.