Freshmen share fears of high school during orientation

Link Crew leaders helped guide freshmen through orientation held Aug. 17. (Photo by Sturdivant)
Freshmen attended orientation on Monday, Aug. 17. The morning started with students locating their 9th hour classroom and meeting their Link Crew leaders.
“It was a nice system,” freshman Lucas Hofer-Holdeman said.
Around 357 students had the opportunity to tour the building, find their classrooms, and visit with their teachers and fellow freshmen classmates. J.C. White, freshman, is disturbed by how few of his classmates are his age.
“There aren’t many freshmen in all my classes,” White said. “I have upperclassmen in half of them which is going to be kind of awkward.”
Freshman Jake Wiggins shares a similar fear of the upperclassmen.
“I’m nervous about all the seniors,” Wiggins said. “I don’t want to be pushed around by people that are taller than me and have beards.”
Hofer-Holdeman has had better experiences with his elders.
“I’ve met some of the older students before and they’re really nice,” Hofer-Holdeman said. “The teachers are very friendly as far as I can tell.”
The class of 2019 will join the rest of the student body for the first full day of school on Tuesday, Aug. 18.
“It’s confusing trying to get around the school,” White said. “It’s a lot of people trying to get around with just freshman. I can’t imagine what it’s like with all four classes here.”